After another winter in the deep woods of Pennsylvania, it is time for us to get back outside a bit more. Sure, there may be some flurries at this point, but the worst of it should be behind us… hopefully. With the days being longer and the weather improving, there are many more activities we can accomplish outside each day. Whether it is a longer hike in the woods, a walk with your pup, or even enjoying time on a body of water, people in our area start to feel rejuvenated again. With this rejuvenation, one thing we can all consider is finding a way to give back. April is National Volunteer Month, and there are a lot of ways in which someone can give their time. Let’s learn about how National Volunteer Month started and some specific causes that can be supported in April.
National Volunteer Month
Give Back to your Community
National Volunteer Month was created from the foundation of National Volunteer Week that was first held in 1943 in Canada. The purpose was to honor women who were dedicating their time during World War II to collect supplies and assist wounded soldiers. Organizations like the Red Cross were established during this time and continue to do amazing work today. Eventually, celebrations of volunteering were not as frequent from the end of World War II through the 1960’s. But, in 1974, the United States began to celebrate National Volunteer Week again. After moving from week to month, other countries began to take notice and declared National Volunteer Month in their respective states beginning in 1990.
During April, NPRC’s team will be dedicating time around the region to help our communities in a collection of ways. Be sure to stay on the lookout for members of our team and say hello if you see us!
Stress Awareness Month
Help People Find Peace
Stress Awareness Month helps raise awareness of the horrible impact that not feeling your best you can have. There are long-term physical and mental health impacts that continued stress can cause. Since April 1992, this month has prioritized finding ways to help people feel better about the pressures and uncertainties life can bring. While there is no perfect formula or recipe that works for everyone, there is consensus that exercising, growing closer in your faith, changing your diet, and talking to medical professionals can help bring some relief. This month introduces and reinforces strategies to help people cope with stress and encourages them to understand the pathways towards resources that can help them. Instead of unhealthy coping strategies, people share solutions and steps we can take to return to our old selves. Volunteering just a few minutes of your day to help someone who is battling stress can make a substantial difference. If you or someone you know in the NPRC community is struggling, encourage them to take advantage of the College’s support services.
Week of the Young Child
Preparing the Next Generation
The Week of the Young Child was developed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to challenge the early education community to “Step It Up” and spread the word about the importance of high-quality early learning, and the critical role early childhood educators play in a child’s development and erudition. Our early childhood education students and partners are taking an active part this week to share their work and how they engage their students. Join them on social media or at home and help us celebrate Kickoff Saturday, Music Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, Artsy Thursday, and/or Family Friday! Use the hashtag #WOYC23 and tag NPRC’s social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn) to share with the ways your child or children learn as they sing, cook together, build together, create art, and celebrate their loved ones.
Earth Day
Do Your Part to Help Our Planet
Earth Day is celebrated each year on April 22. Since 1970, this movement and day have educated people about ways they can help make the natural world a cleaner place for us and our posterity. First celebrated in the United States, the movement went global in 1990, similarly to National Volunteer Month. Groups speak out about various issues that do more harm than good to our planet. Over the years, institutions of higher education and organizations related to the natural world have organized protests against the deterioration of the environment that have resulted in massive coast-to-coast rallies in cities, towns, and communities. Uniquely, it is one cause that everyone around the world can see eye-to-eye on; wanting to make a difference for the betterment of our planet. Earth Day is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, with over a billion people every year taking steps to improve our world. A task as simple as picking up trash along the road near your home or heading to a local park to help clean it up are simple tasks we each can do to help keep our planet clean.
There are some especially important missions’ people can volunteer their time for in April. However, volunteering is bigger than giving time for a few weeks and more than just the causes identified. Find what fuels you and is most meaningful in your life. Give time to what matters in your life and the people you care about lives. You and many others will be glad you did.
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