Affordable Associate Degrees & Workforce Development Programs in Erie, Warren & Venango Counties
At NPRC, we serve a broad geographic area. The model we use to deliver our classes was developed explicitly for this widely underserved and, in some cases, never served area. We have more than 25 classroom sites in our nine-county region where students can attend classes within 15 miles of their hometown. Dr. Linda M. Fleming, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, shares that, “Our courses will have an instructor in one location and students from multiple other locations who are interacting on interactive video and they work with each other in the class in a live experience.”
Another benefit of our model is that we lease underutilized space throughout various parts of our service area. Our model not only brings education to these underserved communities and works to reduce the outmigration of our region’s workers but also provides income back to our communities by leasing underutilized space and partnering with those existing organizations. When we do this, more of our resources can be used for student support services to ensure that our students are successful.
We work to put our communities and our people first. To connect with a Student Success Specialist today and get started on your application, please contact us!