NPRC Enters Dual Enrollment Agreement with Crawford Central School District


Northern Pennsylvania Regional College (NPRC) and the Crawford Central School District have signed a Dual Enrollment Agreement for eligible students to receive experience in college-level classes concurrently with high school classes at a reduced tuition cost of $60 per credit hour. Upon successful completion of these classes, students will receive both high school and college credit.

Students eligible through this agreement must be at least a high school junior with a 2.5 GPA and have the recommendation of the high school principal and/or counselor. Dual Enrollment courses that high school students take are identical to those offered to regularly enrolled students and students are limited to completing 30 credit hours per academic year.

This agreement is effective for the 2021-2022 academic year, to include fall 2021, spring 2022, and summer 2022 academic terms. Credits may be transferable to other colleges. High school students are encouraged to work with the institution they plan to transfer to prior to enrolling in NPRC courses.

“Dual enrollment partnerships with our local high schools are extremely valuable to students,” says Mindy Saunders, Dean of Curriculum and Instruction at NPRC. “They can earn college credit at reduced prices and work toward a college degree while meeting high school requirements. Where some of our smaller high schools may not offer AP courses, Dual Enrollment can fill that gap. We look forward to continuing to work with our local school districts to complement their curriculum and increase learning opportunities for our high school students.”